Virtual Austria Showcase Smart Cities India
CEO NIRAsys deliberation on Roundtable – “India Austria: Collaboration in the Smart Cities Space” as part of the “VIRTUAL AUSTRIA SHOWCASE SMART CITIES INDIA”
CEO NIRAsys deliberation on Roundtable – “India Austria: Collaboration in the Smart Cities Space” as part of the “VIRTUAL AUSTRIA SHOWCASE SMART CITIES INDIA”
OMNIdash has diverse mechanism to support decision making. It is envisaged to aggregate information across multiple applications and sensors deployed across the defined location and then provides actionable information with appropriate visualization for decision makers. The solution acts as brain for operation, exception handling, and incident management. OMNIdash is applicable in any sector that deals …
OMNIdash – The Integrated Command and Control Centre Platform Read More »
OMNIanalytics delivers insights that any user can understand – and use. From healthcare and finance to marketing, retail, and more, OMNIanalytics is a next-generation BI solution for every industry. OMNIanalytics Solution is power-packed with an array of features to meet all your BI needs like Data Visualization: Create attractive & insightful reports and dashboards with …
Nirasys, OmniCAD is envisaged to receive calls by citizens in distress, prioritize and document all vital information of incident, identify the status and exact location of field responders on GIS Map, and effectively dispatch nearest responder personnel. It can be integrated with various Agencies like Police, Fire, Medical Services, Women Helpline and many more. OmniCAD …
Nirasys Infotech provide solutions for functional extensions, enhancement and integrating a new system. Eventually, these all result into business development. Our web portal development services are guaranteeing to execute every thought of yours in your development projects that related to different web portal development services.
With a concept of being there for the customers, whenever & where ever required, this communication system is developed. This helps the end users to communicate with the authority without delay with zero physical contact.